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Other plugins

This subcategory of our site includes addons for those programs for creating 3D, which, despite their success and usability, still lose in popularity to 3ds Max, Blender, Cinema 4D and others. But of course that doesn't mean they are bad.

Here you will find a variety of plugins and scripts for 3D software such as Houdini, SketchUp, Substance Painter, Rhino, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Katana and others. And most importantly - you will be able to download them all for free and you don't even need to register. All tools were created by professional developers and have been checked for the absence of viruses and malware.

Download addons for Houdini, SketchUp, Substance Painter, Rhino, Autocad, SolidWorks, Katana and other

Plugins are small software add-ons. They are a kind of add-ons that supplement or fix the functionality of the program, making it more functional and better. The peculiarity of these tools is that they cannot work independently - only within the program. At the same time, the basic program, for which plugins are created, can easily do without them. This subcategory of our site contains various addons for applications like Houdini, SketchUp, Substance Painter, SolidWorks, Katana.

Someone unfamiliar with the specifics of working in 3D design might think that the arsenal of tools in programs such as Houdini, SketchUp, Substance Painter, SolidWorks, Katana and others is enough to simulate even the most complex object shape, make any effect or create any animation. However, no professional 3D artist or animator will not allow himself such a statement. Indeed, the set of tools that gets at its disposal the user of all these utilities will be enough to realize even the most incredible imagination.


The fact is that this can be achieved using completely different approaches. The same idea can be implemented in a few days or in just a few minutes - it all depends on whether the right and necessary scripts and plugins are installed.

Our site has all kinds of addons for various programs, and there are so many of them that you'll find it easier to explore the catalog on your own until your eye catches what you really need. We regularly update our content, so it makes sense to add our site to your browser bookmarks - so you won't miss a new handy plugin for your 3D utility.

It doesn't matter which addon you download: Eneroth Random Selection for SketchUp or PhotoView 360 for SolidWorks - plugins should be selected according to each specific purpose. Under each of our addons there is a detailed description: how, what for and under what circumstances it can be used. Also indicated is the version of the program with which the tool will be compatible, and this information should not be ignored, because if you install additional tools on the wrong version of the software, nothing will work.

Regarding the specific list of plugins that we have on our website, we can highlight, for example, SideFX for Houdini. It allows you to import models based on images and display them directly in the program. This framework creates 3D meshes with textures from sets of photos of real objects and exports it all to OBJ format. You can then do what you want with these files. For example, you can export them to Alembec format or to EXR files. This is a really useful addon that will make your life much easier. And there are literally hundreds of such things on our site.