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The history of tables in the interior began in ancient Egypt. The first ones resembled more as a huge stone platform instead of default (nowadays) tabletop with leg. Later Greek masters gave tables more functionality. Time passed and everyone's favorite classic table tops on legs became rather boring and their place in the modern world was taken by designer tables since they appeared as the amazing combination of a basic necessity and a real work of art. Here you can find various 3D models of tables in different formats that are compatible with modern rendering applications like Vray, Corona, Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, Max and others. All our files are available for download completely free and without registration. They are presented in the most popular formats OBJ, FBX and BLEND.

3D models of tables – download for interior and exterior 3d scenes

The table is the first thing we look at when we enter the living room or the kitchen one. It is the place where family and friends meet and it automatically becomes the center of organization of the space and creates an overall vibe in the interior. For this reason, table design should not be boring: unusual tables help to go beyond pure functionality and make everyday life quite elegant and comfortable. If you are going to do your own architectural project with our meshes, take into account that many traditional designs are no longer meet peoples’ demands. The new generation prefer compact apartments and cannot tolerate overcrowding space with extra furniture. Table-transformers with folding, with lift-up mechanism as well as sliding tabletops (which alternately serve as a dining, party, work and coffee tables) are in great demand. The shape and size of the tabletop can vary depending on the number of guests. Some models have surfaces with some printed markings. These and other 3D models of tables you can easily find in our catalog – right on this very page.