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Cloth textures

PBR Seamless textures and backgrounds in the form of fabrics are an essential element for filling textile graphics objects. Fabric elements are often present in interior design, clothing or any other domestic graphics.

In our collection you can download different variants of fabrics, including: linen fabric, denim, cotton fabric, suiting, satin fabric, fleece fabric,

And many others. All this is available completely free of charge and without registration in popular PNG and JPG. If you have enough skills, you can use these textures in such utilities as Photoshop, 3ds Max, Blender, Unity, Unreal Engine, etc.

Free download cloth & fabric PBR textures

The texture of the fabric differs from other images in that it clearly shows the intertwining of the threads between them. In addition, the visual characteristics of the threads themselves contribute to an overall understanding of the type of fabric. This makes it possible to understand the type of texture – be it denim, fleece or some other fabric. Fabric textures differ from one another in the density and type of weave of the threads, as well as their thickness. This is particularly noticeable when we are talking about 4K resolution and above. By the way, that is exactly the kind of fabric textures you can find on our website! Some are downloaded in 4K and some in 8K.

Regardless of the texture of the fabric, it may have additional texture. All the textures in our catalogue are elaborate, you can easily find the fleeces on a fleece towel.

Not only different colors but also different patterns are available. For example, we have several variations of denim, which you can use individually or in combination with other textures to create more interesting designs.

You can download seamless fabric textures from our website in JPG format. All textures are great for Photoshop and 3D Max. As we mentioned earlier, many of them are 4K or even 8K resolution. They can be used to fill or backdrop images in any graphic editor. Our site offers designers an extensive collection of seamless textures in high resolution for any projects.

If you are an active 3D modeler and are on the lookout for high-quality seamless textures, make sure you explore this section. You will be pleased with the rich collection of images, the competent division into sections (for easy viewing) and complete absence of any downloading fees.