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Outdoor plants

You always want your own garden to be beautiful and cosy. Garden plants are often used for landscaping and can be used to create unique and eye-catching compositions. It is worth taking a closer look at which plants are suitable for landscaping. In our catalogue, you can find a variety of outdoor plants that are suitable for creating your own architectural design. On our website there are both quite familiar plants like Christmas trees and birches, as well as quite decorative plants like palm trees or ornamental plantings. You can download all the 3D models from our website completely free of charge and without registration. They are made in popular formats FBX, OBJ, MAX and BLEND and you can use them in such rendering applications as Vray, Corona, 3ds Autodesk Max, Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D and others.

Download 3D models of outdoor plants: tree, bush, grass

Garden plants are popular with landscapers. A variety of flowers and shrubs can perform several functions at once:

  • Creating a specific decor – to set the atmosphere and mood of the place.
  • Making the garden comfortable by providing the necessary shade through the usage of trees.
  • Compensating the unevenness in the natural terrain by planting specific compositions.
  • Protecting the area from prying eyes or pets.

A simple lawn could make a beautiful garden. You need to be responsible when choosing the right plant, because on our site you can face the different variants. Some models are better suited to one yard, while others are better suited to another. Designers opt for mixtures of grasses based on cereals or bluegrasses which are tolerant to drought, if the project is planned to be realised. Garden design is versatile and offers plenty of design ideas. In addition to standard plants, some dwarf pears or apple trees can also be planted to enhance the yard. By the way, you can even find such plants in our catalogue!