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Other childroom decor

In this section of our catalogue, you will find a variety 3d models of decorative items to furnish your child's room. There are soft toys, pictures, shelves with books, tents, bags and even children's bikes and scooters. All items on our website are made in 3ds Max, FBX and OBJ format. You can download them for free, without registration, and then use them to create your own architectural project. You can also use them as a reference or for your video game. All 3D meshes downloaded from our website can be used in rendering applications like Vray, Corona, Max, Blender, etc. If you own them, you will be able to customize the downloaded content to suit you. For example, you can change the texture or size of the meshes.

Download 3D models of other child room’s decor

A child's room has to grow with the child. And it is almost impossible to choose a finish that appeals to both a child and a teenager. Tastes and interests change every year. And that's where the decor of the children's room comes in. Accent details (like textiles, stickers, posters) can quickly change the look of a room beyond recognition. They reflect the children's tastes and make it a truly private space for them. In our catalogue, you will find various signs, posters, bags and stuffed, plushy animals that can add personality to the room. Here are a few tips for choosing 3D models to recreate the interior:

While the child is young, you should opt for temporary decorations in the room. Preferably project the decorative elements in such a way that they can be quickly changed in case of emergency. Toddlers like to explore the world and see how things work, so a three-dimensional interior design should be made with this in mind. By the way, children love to express themselves and draw on the wallpaper. So a blanket, stock wallpaper might be a good enough option.

Any decor should be matched with the main style of the room. As a rule, it usually makes sense to stick to a neutral option. Various removable trim elements or decorative objects can be used to add individuality to the room at any time. Teddy-patterned toys, for example.

If you create the interior for a relatively mature child (with formed interests), you can decorate the room with things related to his or her hobbies. For example, for a football fan a good choice would be to place a sack-chair in the corner of the room. A hockey fan could have a special zone with hockey sticks and helmets instead. And so on.

Here it is important to consider the interests of the child. Soft furnishings in the children's room make the room cosier. The kid will enjoy looking and touching the soft toys!