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Food and drinks

In this category you can download various 3D food and drink models which have been made by professional designers. Among other things, you can also find 3D cutlery meshes here. All the content in this category can come in handy when creating an interior design project. You can also use all the models in this category for the development of a game. You can download all the models in this category for free and without registration. They are presented in popular and popular formats OBJ, FBX, MAX, BLEND, so you can easily use them in rendering applications such as Vray, Corona, Max, Blender, Cinema 4D and Maya. Each file is checked by our moderators for malware and overall quality, so you can rest assured that the downloaded content will not disappoint you!

Download 3D models of food and drinks

In fact, this very sub-category of food and drinks is quite difficult to characterise, as it accommodates a lot of different content. Here you will find both mouthwatering food and water models that are so similar to real life ones that you will literally want to eat them. There are plenty of cutlery presented as well. Here we have tried to collect all possible 3D models of food (fruits, vegetables, drinks, fish, meat dishes, bread, cakes, pies, etc.) Also in this sub-category you can find positions that depict the table with the complete serving. You can download any model without payment and use it at your discretion. All media content on our site is freely available.

We have tried to do everything to make it convenient for you to work with our site. Each model has a preview and detailed specifications. By clicking on a separate tab with one or another model from the catalogue, you can see the renderer, version 3D editor and several links to download. We expect that you probably ran into a situation where the downloaded model is not suitable for some technical parameters at least once. We are well aware of how frustrating this can be, so we provide a few download links. Once you have downloaded a particular model that you are interested in, you can easily (of course if you have proper skills in working with 3D models) tweak it to your liking and colour.

Anyway our content is updated on daily basis, so just add our site to your browser bookmarks and visit it regularly. We are sure that, sooner or later, you will find something you like.

If you are a 3D modeler yourself and create food and drink models, we invite you to add your work to our site and let the professional community know about you. Simply click on the "Contact Us" tab and fill in the information you need. Then select the administrator you want to contact and offer your services! We will be waiting for you!