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This is a category where such important 3D models for interior decor as: curtains, drapes, tulles and windows are presented. Also in this section you can download models of different blinds: ordinary and horizontal, made of plastic or metal and a fabric ones. In addition, you can find models of blinds for curtains and various accessories for them as well. 3D models of curtains are presented in different popular formats: Max, FBX, OBJ, Vray and Corona EXR – all textures and shaders are included. The curtains complete the “picture” of the room. A type depends on what the atmosphere will remain in the premise. When choosing the material and model, you should stick to the overall style and purpose of the room. Inappropriate curtains can spoil the impression, even with a good renovation and quality furniture. This is really important when you are engaged in recreating a full 3D interior version. On our website you can find a variety of 3D curtains in different styles: from classic to modern. All is completely free and without registration!

Download 3D models of curtains

Curtains, according to the type of their opening mechanism, can be divided into three main types:

  • Sliding;
  • Lifted-up;
  • Stationary.

Sliding type involves opening the blinds from the sides of the window. Typically, the upper part of such curtains is fixed to the track vertically. Sliding blinds often can be adjusted in width and height greatly. Since we have solved the blinds’ mechanism, now it is worth mentioning the most popular types of curtains themselves, three-dimensional models of which you can easily find on our site:

  • Classical straight;
  • Crossing;
  • Café-curtains;
  • Along with lambrequins.

So the classical ones are the most common type. They are composed of heavy drapes and light curtains fixed vertically on the pole.

Crossing curtains are fixed on opposite sides of the track. The fabric goes crosswise. Such shades can consist of two halves or one cloth that is thrown over the track line.

What is really curios about the café-curtains is that they refer to short shades, the length of which does not fall below the upper edge of the window sill. Café-blinds are attached to the ledge or bar in the middle of the window. The fabric can be both dense and transparent. In addition, you can meet different decorative elements – buttons, loops, eyelets, etc. The height of the café-curtains allows light to enter the window even when the window is closed. So if you are busy creating a bright and sunny interior, this would be a great way to emphasize the overall positive vibe. You will be able to download meshes of such curtains on our website, then visualize the piercing rays of the sun through any modern graphics application.

Lambrequins are supplemented with decorative elements that have the exact same name. Lambrequins can be fixed directly on the curtains or have independent fasteners. They can have both rigid and soft design.

You can easily find and download all these curtains and plenty of others on our website. We offer a wide range of 3D meshes that are fully compatible with all modern rendering applications. Add our site to bookmarks so you will not miss new content – we updated it on a every daily basis.